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School Profile

The First State Community Chinese School (春晖中文学校) was established in September 1996 with 43 students; today, its enrollment has grown to 250 students. Over the years, thousands have benefited and graduated from the school.

The Chinese name of the school, 春晖 (Spring Sunshine), originated from a famous Chinese poem, A Wanderer’s Song, by Meng Jiao (751-814), a renowned poet of the Tang Dynasty:

游子吟 孟郊

慈 母 手 中 线, 游 子 身 上 衣。
临 行 密 密 缝, 意 恐 迟 迟 归。
谁 言 寸 草 心, 报 得 三 春 晖。
A Wanderer’s Song by Meng Jiao

The thread in a loving mother’s hand is moving
For her son to wear the clothes upon leaving,
With her whole heart she is tightly sewing,
For fear that I will be forever wandering.
Who says the thankful soul of little grass
Could repay the warmth of spring sunshine?

We named the school "Spring Sunshine" with the aspiration of providing abundant love and education to our students to help them grow, much as sunshine aids the little grass. We also wish to remind our students to deeply appreciate the nurture and care from their parents, teachers and the society.

Inspired by this traditional Chinese culture and belief, the school staff strives to continuously improve the quality of the curriculum and its class offerings to both children and adults, regardless of their ages and cultural backgrounds. Currently, we teach Standard Chinese, Chinese as a Second Language, and AP Chinese. We also offer non-language classes: Art and SAT Math. Additionally, the school has an English as a Second Language class, serving mostly the elderly.

Dr. Zhigang (Rick) Li was the founding principal of the school. Over the years, Ms. Han Zhou, Dr. Huimin Long, Mr. Bo Lan, Ms. Yan Chen, Dr. Xueying Huang, Dr. Yuzhong Chen, and Mr. Ping Xu served as its principal. Dr. Huiying Yang is the current principal. Our special thanks go to Mr. Jie Liu for his over 10 years of dedicated services as Director of Academic Affairs for the school.

Living up to the expectations of "Spring Sunshine” requires the dedication and tireless efforts of the whole community. We welcome your participation and support to our school.

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